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The SIEC aims to bring together the Cultivators of Endocrine Surgery in order to promote the progress of this Science in the Experimental, Clinical and Social fields; to facilitate relationships between endocrine surgeons and between these and other Cultivators of Endocrinology; to establish scientific relationships with similar Italian and foreign associations; to protect the prestige and professional interests of Cultivators of Endocrine Surgery.

In particular, the Italian Society of Endocrine Surgery intends to work in collaboration with the Italian Society of Endocrinology, to contribute to the training of Surgeons, of paramedical personnel, and to promote the formation of intra and extra-hospital structures for the care of patients affected by endocrinopathies of surgical interest.

It promotes at least one annual scientific meeting (National Congress) to be held generally in the month of September, so that the Members can meet and discuss emerging issues in the field of endocrine surgery.

The Italian Society of Endocrine Surgery SIEC was founded in Naples on December 18, 1980 by deed of Notary Dr. Pasquale Spadaccio and by the will of numerous surgeons from all over Italy, with the aim of bringing together the Cultivators of Endocrine Surgery in order to promote the progress of this Science in the Experimental, Clinical and Social fields.






A cultural, apolitical, non-profit association called



The Society has the purpose of bringing together the scholars of Endocrine Surgery in order to promote its progress in the experimental, clinical and social fields; to facilitate relationships between endocrine surgeons; between these and other scholars of Endocrinology; to establish scientific relationships with similar Italian and foreign associations; to protect the prestige and legitimate interests of scholars of Endocrine Surgery. In particular, the Italian Society of Endocrine Surgery (SIEC) intends to work in collaboration with the Italian Society of Endocrinology, to contribute to the training of surgeons and auxiliary paramedical personnel and to promote the formation of intra and extra hospital structures for the assistance of patients affected by endocrinopathies of surgical interest.


The Society is based in Naples at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Naples "Federico II" at via S. Pansini n. 5 - 80131 Naples (NA). The secretariat is based at the University of Naples "Federico II".


The assets of the SIEC are formed by the contributions of the members, by any press products, by donations and bequests that may reach the Society. The assets of the Society must be transcribed in special inventories. The patrimonial income is paid for the administrative expenses, for the meeting expenses, for the publication expenses of scientific works and didactic works. The sums deriving from donations and bequests must be used in government bonds or bonds guaranteed by the State. The sums necessary for the needs of the Society must be deposited at interest in the postal savings banks, or in credit institutions designated by the President of the Society. The Society is prohibited from distributing, even indirectly, any profits or management surpluses.


The Italian Society of Endocrine Surgery is made up of:

a) Founding members;

b) Ordinary members;

c) Foreign corresponding members;

d) Honorary members.

Founding members Are those who founded the Society. Ordinary members Are, in addition to the founders, graduates in Medicine and Surgery belonging to the professional category or disciplines operating in the interprofessional area of ​​endocrine surgery. Ordinary members must pay an annual fee in the amount established by the assembly and have the right to vote and stand for election. Corresponding members Foreign graduates who deal predominantly with endocrine surgery and who actively collaborate in the work of the Society may be nominated. They do not pay any fee and do not have the right to vote and stand for election. Honorary Members The appointment of Honorary President may be conferred upon the designation of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the assembly, to an Italian Personality who has illustrated with Italian or foreign Personalities that we have contributed in an essential way to the progress of Endocrine Surgery and to the realization of the purposes referred to in art. 1 of this Statute, may be appointed Honorary Members. Honorary members do not pay any fee and do not have the right to active and passive voting.


The appointment of Ordinary Members, upon explicit request, of Corresponding and Honorary Members, is made by the Board of Directors upon proposal of two Ordinary Members; the appointment must be confirmed by the Assembly.


The termination of ordinary Members may occur:

a) by resignation;

b) by failure to pay membership fees for more than two years;

c) by facts or activities that bring the Member into conflict with the purposes and interests of the Association;

d) The revocation of the appointment of Member occurs upon proposal of the Board of Directors or of at least 15 members who request it and pronounced by at least 2/3 of the Members present at the assembly, with a secret vote and after hearing the interested party.


The organs of the Company are:

* The General Assembly

* The Board of Directors

* The President

* The auditors

The general assembly is made up of the Ordinary Members.


The Company is directed and administered by a Board of Directors composed of 21 members and more precisely:

* a President;

* a past-President;

* an elected President;

* sixteen Directors (including two Vice Presidents appointed by the Board of Directors);

* a Secretary and a treasurer.

The Board of Directors remains in office for two years and the Directors can be re-elected for only one subsequent two-year period.

The President of the Company cannot be elected in the subsequent two-year period.

The President of the Company has the legal and moral representation of the Company itself for all purposes.

The President of the Company may delegate, from time to time, the representation of the Company to one of the Vice Presidents. In the event of absence or impediment of the President, the representation of the Company will be up to the Vice President or, if necessary, to the oldest Director. The Board of Directors meets, in addition to the Company's meetings, at the request of the President or four members of the Board, in any case no less than twice a year.


The Members' Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors at least once a year. The Board of Directors is required, however, to convene it at any time upon request of at least one quarter (1/4) of the Members. The Board of Directors must present to the meeting each year a report on the Company's activities and financial situation; it must also present to the meeting, for approval, the final budget and the budget estimate. It is the task of the meeting to deliberate on the issues on the agenda and to proceed with the elections of the Board of Directors and two Auditors.


Once a year the National Congress will be held at the place and in the manner established by the Board of Directors. Extraordinary scientific meetings in Italy and abroad may be held either on the initiative of the Board of Directors or upon proposal of the Members, endorsed by the Board itself.


This Statute may be modified only by prior registration in the agenda of the Assembly in accordance with the provisions of law upon proposal of the Board of Directors or of a

fifth (1/5) of the Ordinary Members. In this case, an extraordinary meeting may be called. Statutory changes may not take place without the approval of a majority of three quarters (3/4) of the Ordinary Members participating in the meeting.


The dissolution of the Association is decided by the Assembly which will appoint one or more liquidators and will decide on the devolution of the assets. To decide on the dissolution of the Society and/or the devolution of the assets to other associations with similar purposes, a favorable vote of at least three quarters (3/4) of the Members is required.




Ordinary Members

The application for membership in the Association must be completed on a specific form, which is requested from the Association Secretariat and must demonstrate the applicant's activity in the field of Endocrine Surgery, as dictated by the Statute.

The application must be countersigned by two ordinary members and forwarded to the secretariat.

Applications for membership will be examined by the Board of Directors and, if approved, presented to the Assembly for ratification.

Applications for membership must be approved by the Assembly by a show of hands, unless a secret ballot is requested.

The ordinary member pays the membership fee from the moment the Board of Directors approves the nomination and acquires his rights from the moment the Assembly has ratified the nomination.


Corresponding and Honorary Members

The proposal is made by two ordinary members who send it to the Secretariat together with the appropriate documentation.

It is the task of the Board of Directors to examine this proposal and present it to the Assembly for approval with the same procedure described for ordinary Members.


Membership Fee

The annual fee must be paid to the secretariat by the end of March of each year.

It is set at twenty Euros (Euro 20.00) per year, but may be changed upon proposal of the Board of Directors approved by the Assembly.

Founding and ordinary members are required to pay the annual membership fee.

The Board of Directors has the power to declare a member in arrears for more than two years as having forfeited his membership.

Occasional payment of the membership fee is not permitted.

The membership fee is non-transferable and non-revaluable.


Members' Meeting

The ordinary members' meeting is held at least once a year; all members in good standing with the payment of the membership fee may participate with the right to vote.

The duties of the Assembly are:

a) To approve the annual financial plan of the Association and the admission of new members;

b) To elect the governing bodies every two years;

c) To pronounce itself on any other problem on the agenda, including proposals relating to the annual Congresses.

The Assembly is valid in the first call when half plus one of the Members with the right to vote are present;

in the second call it is valid regardless of the number of Members present with the right to vote.

The approval of the annual financial plan takes place by a show of hands by simple majority.

Before proceeding to the elections of the Board of Directors, the outgoing Board of Directors appoints four scrutineers on the proposal of the President. Voting for the elections of the Board of Directors and the President takes place by secret ballot.

Once the new board has been appointed, the outgoing President assumes the role of past-President, proposes the appointment of the two auditors, which is approved by the Assembly by a show of hands.

The auditors cannot be members of the Board of Directors and remain in office for two years.

For other votes not provided for in the Statute, the Assembly decides by a show of hands the type of vote to be adopted.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year.

The meeting of the Board is valid when at least half plus one of its members are present.

In the event of a tie in votes on the Board, the vote of the President (or in his absence that of the Vice President who replaces him) is worth two.

The President convenes and directs the meeting of the Board of Directors and the Assembly; supervises the execution of the resolutions of the Board of Directors and the Assembly; ensures the functioning of the Society and signs the official documents.

The duties of the Board of Directors are:

* To implement every resolution issued by the Assembly of Members; to administer the social assets; to decide the method of implementation of the institutional purposes in the period between one Assembly and the next; to examine the applications for admission to the Association for presentation to the Assembly of Members; to take care of the relations of the Society with other medical and surgical organizations and Associations; to promote the establishment of any scientific and surgical committees;

to organize advanced training and refresher courses; to establish prizes and scholarships for research in the field of Endocrine Surgery; to prepare proposals relating to the Association's Congresses to be presented to the Assembly; to approve the annual financial plan, budget and final, presented by the treasurer and to be submitted to the Assembly for approval;

take any initiative aimed at improving the efficiency of the Association; appoints the two vice-presidents from among the elected directors.

It can appoint from among the members, up to two additional secretaries who participate in the Board of Directors without the right to vote.



The Secretariat of the Association is located at the Secretariat, according to the resolution of the Board of Directors.

The Secretary's duties are: to ensure the preservation of the company archive;

to update the list of members;

to draw up the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Members' Assembly;

to also take care of the drafting of the volume Archive and acts of the SIEC

ARTICLE 7 Treasurer

The Treasurer's duties are:

to ensure the preservation of the assets of the Company and the collection of membership fees;

to present the financial plan of the Association to the Board of Directors on an annual basis, implementing the following directives in collaboration with the President and the Board of Directors:

1. The President, for the proper functioning of the treasury, opens a bank or postal account at the Treasurer's office and gives the Treasurer separate signature authority.

2. All financial resources paid to the Company flow into the Treasury: be they ordinary or extraordinary Members' fees or other liberal and hereditary donations, including in the form of legacies and real estate.

3. The responsibility for the Treasury is entrusted to the Treasurer pro-tempore, who will be elected preferably among the Members of the Naples area, and who will report to the Board of Directors and the Assembly at the end of each financial year, verbally and in writing.

4. The Treasurer, with the possible paid assistance of a professional expert in the matter and of his trust, will compile the preventive and consultative company budget, in addition to fulfilling the related legal obligations. The Board of Directors, upon suggestion of the Treasurer, can appoint a third vice-secretary with specific tasks to assist him in the management of the treasury.

5. Liberal donations can be made by legal or natural persons, by public or private entities both for the good functioning of the Company, and for scientific, educational, training-didactic, promotional projects and programs, in the field of Endocrine Surgery, as per the Statute. Such programs and projects are previously submitted for approval by a Member, promoter and responsible for the action, to the Board of Directors, or briefly to the President, who will report to the Board of Directors at the first available meeting. The Board of Directors, or briefly the President, will examine them and decide on the Patronage of the Society and will authorize the Treasurer to collect any funds intended for them.

6.The funds allocated to the programs and projects will be transferred to the Member responsible for them, upon his request, following a declaration signed by him in original, in which he declares their exclusive use for the program that is the object of the financing.

7. The Board of Directors may request that 1.5% of the financing be retained in the treasury for the good performance of the Company; the Project Manager may spontaneously allocate a portion of the funds to the Treasury for the life of the company.

ARTICLE 8 Auditors

The Auditors examine the financial plan of the Company, verify the formal administrative regularity and send a report of their work to the President of the Association and, for information, to all members of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE 9 Clinical-scientific committees The Board of Directors has the power to establish committees whose task is to study problems inherent to Endocrine Surgery. These committees shall remain in office for no longer than the term of the Board of Directors that constitutes them and may be renewed. ARTICLE 10 Scientific Activity The Association Congress shall be held annually and shall last at least two days. The Assembly shall establish the location of the Congress and the topics to be discussed; it shall also appoint the President of the Organizing Committee who must reside in the city designated for the Congress. The Organizing Committee shall prepare the annual Congress and regulate its conduct in agreement with the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall define the scientific program of the Congress; choose the Speakers and Moderators, select the pre-arranged interventions and communications. The Annual Members' Meeting will be held on one of the days of the congress. ARTICLE 11 Liquidation of assets for dissolution of the Society. The society finances social activities only and exclusively thanks to contributions from members and/or public and private entities (with the exclusion of contributions that may constitute conflicts of interest with the SSN) and finances ECM activities through self-financing and contributions from members and/or public and private entities, including financing from pharmaceutical or medical device industries, in full compliance with the criteria and limits established by the National Commission for Continuing Education. The society has national relevance, with an organization present in the regions. The regional delegates are appointed by the Board of Directors,and remain in office for two years.